Posts Tagged ‘java source code’

Once I already done this program to test joystick in Java with JInput but it wasn’t enough dynamic. So here’s version two. I thought that every joystick of stick type or gamepad type have the same components, but that’s not how it is. So here is the program that adds controller components dynamically, and also it founds all joysticks that are connected to computer.

Joystick in Java with JInput


Visual Random Numbers

Posted: October 9, 2012 in Java
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I was wondering if randomly generated numbers with java class Random are generated evenly or any numbers are thrown more often than another or what is going on there :D. So, I made a program that generates random numbers, from 0 to max number that you set, and makes graph from this numbers.

Here is the image of graph window (one square represents one number):Visual Random Numbers graph window
